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S. N. Bharadwaj - Joy, laughter & love
In the above picture, Bharadwaj is saying goodbye to a small group of people I had taken to his humble home for a visit. He said: May God bless you all! Then, with a mischievous grin, he looked up at the grey sky with folded hands and said, May He bless me too!
What did I learn from visiting so many beings on a spiritual path behind the
veil of mysterious India? First of all, I learned that despite the fundamental
unity of consciousness, they were extremely different in their personal
expression of that very same unity. Hence, I realized that I should not be a
copy of any of them but find my own way to express the only way. In 1999, I stayed with this wonderful being for more than six months in Hoshiarpur. Late afternoon we meditated in my room at the temple, Manavta Mandir, every night. Sometimes other people joined us, but sometimes it was just the two of us. He always, almost like a punctuality-loving English gentleman, inaugurated our meditation by looking at his watch and saying, 'Let us begin by meditating for 30 minutes.'
The 30 minutes passed in a snap, but we would
still be sitting, transfixed in introversion, 30 minutes beyond the intended
time, sometimes meditating for more than two hours before being able to open our
eyes again. 'The hangover continues.' Bharadwaj was actually a wealthy man, but as you can see, he did not care about such things. He said:
'The modern man has made so many accumulations
in his house
During daytime I went to his home for a cup of tea in the company of his many books:
Bharadwaj was a true polymath, intellectually quoting freely by heart from Shakespeare to the Upanishads. Before the partition of India and Pakistan, he was a lecturer at the university in Lahore. In this sense, like Gandhi and Nehru, he had a powerful dual academic background with strong roots in Western rationalism as well as Eastern mysticism.
I asked Bharadwaj if he considered himself enlightened. He answered that he was just a spiritual seeker, like me. It was a horizontal friendship I had with this wonderful and, in my opinion, almost too humble being. There was not the slightest trace of a guru in Bharadwaj. In fact, it was occasionally confusing for me. Through years of encounters with elevated gurus, I was actually partly brainwashed into outdated medieval vertical social interfaces between masters and slaves. Now, here I could decondition myself, medicate myself daily with a powerful antidote of a kind of humility I had rarely encountered before, and I had this wonderful being all to myself!
Bharadwaj knew all the hidden spiritual gems in
and around Hoshiarpur. Many of them had no ashram or followers and simply lived
happily alone.
The video interview from 1999, shown below, marked the beginning of my deep friendship with Bharadwaj. First video interview
Like me, Bharadwaj was a spiritual shopper his entire life, drawing inspiration
from saints to sinners. He never committed to one guru or one system even though
he had great respect and love for the founder of
Manavta Mandir,
Faqir Baba. I am here to give
my respect to the Be Man Temple, where everyone followed in the footsteps
of the great Saint Faqir Baba. It was no secret that Bharadwaj had many
spiritual followers, and nobody held a negative opinion about that. Hence,
Bharadwaj was an integral member of the Radhasoami family. Bharadwaj had in his youth become a close friend of the Danish mystic Emanuel Sørensen-Sunyata. This remarkable being stayed every winter with Bharadwaj in Hoshiarpur when it became too cold in Almora in the Himalayas.
Baharadwaj often spoke about
a life changing meeting with
Sunyata: Always - really ALWAYS Bharadwaj was talking about God & the Supreme Reality, quoting freely from Shakespeare, Shelly any Spirited Soul or book - East or West. Wery often he spoke about Sunyata. He once asked Sunyata:
'Dont you sometimes feel alone in high mountains?'
'I am not alone
Papaji and Bharadwaj This very efternoon I read a few pages once again from the wonderful book 'Wake Up And Roar" and believe me I got up roaring with self joy and experiencing my unity with one and all. This great book will go down in history as an awakener for generations to come. All hail to the glory of the Great Poonja ji Maharaj and his immortal Ramana Maharshi Maharaj. In the coming years the name of Papaji was on his lips almost as frequent as Sunyata. Bharadwaj loved to point out their common source in the form of Ramana Maharshi.
Praises Papaji - February 2010
Bhaharawaj took me for a visit to the proud and stern Lion Baba. The first thing the Lion uttered was: All experience is unreal - only the experiencer is REAL! Spirituality seemed to be a very serious subject, at least when looking at this master's face. But then I turned my head to look at Bharadwaj's face and he seemed to face the whole situation with a huge grin. Like Papaji, he was not laughing at anybody or with someone. He was just laughter itself.
And I in a glimpse saw that the One who has realized the truth, lives happily in the big joke of existence.
And finally even the great Lion Baba surrendered to Laughter. And the wave of laughter subsided Bharadwaj was glowing in joyous ease as you can see on the photo below.
In spite of his super sharp, academically schooled intellect, Bharadwaj was, as I hope you can get a glimpse of in the photos below, most of the time in a state of childlike innocence.
One of his favorite statements was to exclaim as he did captured on the photo below:
It is wonderful to be alive! At the occasion depicted above he cited W. H. Davies:
A poor life this if, full of care,
The photo above is taken in my room in Manavta Mandir. After a long meditation Bharadwaj said this:
"We rise by raising others. Reality exists and thrives as
1. Tread gently on the grass, for every blade
To live the truth is to live in Divine bliss
All in one - one in all.
Reality is eternal - reality is omnipresent - reality is omnipotent
There is nothing but reality - reality is bliss!
Divine we are. Let us not forget that we are fragments of Divinity.
Let us not remain fractionalized. Let us return home.
Let us be
established in Unity.
His little wooden postbox with his name on it was still there, but with no
letters inside. I gently removed the front of the postbox and took it home to my
flat in Denmark.
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